We study the assessment of various psychological constructs relevant for a range of applied psychology fields, broadly defined. Our primary mission is to generate and apply psychological science to expand our understanding regarding design and application of psychological assessment in studying how the functioning of various individual differences.
The AID Lab focuses on:
- collaboration: building research-oriented alliances and partnerships with various national and international labs and organizations;
- funding: attract national and international research funding by assembling competitive of research teams;
- fostering research: supporting the design and dissemination of assessment-oriented empirical and theoretical investigations aimed at expanding the current scientific understanding of cognitive, motivational, affective and behavioral phenomena in the applied settings.
Lab Committees
Research Opportunities/Funding
Andrei Georgescu (Coordinator), Andrei Ion, Dragoș Iliescu, Andreea Butucescu
Media and Communication
Alexandru Sîrbu (coordinator)
Oana Istrate (coordinator), Dragoș Iliescu, Emilia Dorobanțu

- Funding:
- Attracting national/international research funding in applied psychology via the assembly of research teams including established and early career researchers;
- Publication:
- Disseminating research results in high-impact journals (e.g. Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Personality Research);
- Disseminating research results to general media outlets.
- Events:
- Organizing scientific events: conferences, summer schools and student conferences;
- Creating a talent pipeline via the early identification of talented and research-oriented students and involving them in the lab’s activities.
- Partnerships:
- Fostering research within the UB by establishing partnerships with international research groups or labs.

Key research areas
- Assessment methods: test design and test adaptation;
- Assessing the role of workplace-relevant individual differences, affect and emotions, job attitudes and performance in applied settings (personnel selection, interventions and organizational development);
- Exploring how various individual differences function across groups and cultures
- Assessment of cross-cultural differences in work-relevant psychological constructs
- Occupational health: assessment and interventions.
Expected Impact
Based on the capabilities and AID’s Team research background and capabilities, we expect:
1.To publish 6 – 8 research articles per year on topics related to our key research areas
2.To attract 1 nationally funded research project per year
3.To establish research-oriented partnerships with local labs or other research entities
4.To encourage student involvement in research and ensure a talent pipeline for graduate programs
Core Activities
- Research design and implementation (ongoing): each individual member will be involved in various research initiatives on the Lab’s core research topics
- Research collaboration meetings (weekly): 90-120 mins meeting between the lab team in order to discuss about prospective research and funding opportunities).
- Invited lecture (monthly): the lab team will invite experts from various scientific disciplines to deliver a talk on a topic that can generate valuable research insights and/or contribute to establishing collaborations
- Networking event (quarterly): the AID Lab will organize quarterly networking events by inviting participants from various national, international, public or private organizations
- Attracting and implementing research funding and research grants;
- Learning sessions (quarterly): workshops and learning sessions aimed at building research and data analysis skills – delivered by Lab members or by invited lectures.
Affiliation & Membership
- Undergraduate and graduate students (Master’s and Doctoral Students) can become affiliate members;
- Researchers in other domains can become affiliated members;
- The admission of affiliate members is done by invitation only and involves an interview with three full lab members