Journal Articles

The measurement invariance of the Short Dark Triad. Implications for High- and Low-Stakes Contexts. Journal of Individual Differences

Improving the Structured Reporting of Test Adaptations: Standards and Recommendations for Authors (Editorial). European Journal of Psychological Assessment

The Emic-Etic Divide in Test Development and Adaptation. European Journal of Psychological Assessment (online first).

Climbing Anxiety Scale (CAS-20): Preliminary Development and Validation. Psychology of Sport & Exercise (accepted).

Proliferation of measures contributes to advancing psychological science. Nature Communications Psychology

The Emic-Etic Divide in Test Development and Adaptation: Recommendations to Authors to Address Cross-Cultural Comparability. European Journal of Psychological Assessment

The Test Adaptation Reporting Standards (TARES): Reporting Test Adaptations. International Journal of Testing (accepted).

Psychometric characteristics of the Romanian Adaptation of the GAD-7. Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment (online first).

Cultural Adaptation of the Preschool Anxiety Scale in Romania. Sage Open

The convergent validity of the Romanian version of the Behavioral Assessment of Children: A Multitrait-Multimethod Analysis. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies

Validation of a Short and Generic Qualitative Job Insecurity Scale (QUAL-JIS). European Journal of Psychological Assessment (online first).

Romanian Short Version of the Burnout Assessment Tool: Psychometric Properties. Evaluation & the Health Professions, 44(4), 406-415.

Development of a New Personality-Oriented Work Analysis Questionnaire: First Steps Towards Validation. Psihologia Resurselor Umane, 19(1), 17-36.

Investigation of the psychometric properties of the Perceived Parental Autonomy Support Scale in the Southeastern European context. Current Psychology (online first).

The Romanian Adaptation of the Survey Work–Home Interaction, NijmeGen. Evaluation & the Health Professions (online before print).

Construct validity of the IWP Multi-Affect Indicator scale in Romanian work environment. Psihologia Resurselor Umane.

Adaptarea românească a Setului International de Itemi de Personalitate: IPIP-Ro [The Romanian adaptation of the International Personality Item Pool: IPIP-Ro]. Psihologia Resurselor Umane.

Exploring the Cross-Cultural Generalizability of the Five Factor Model of Personality: The Romanian NEO PI-R. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.

Adaptarea culturală a scalei Satisfacerea nevoilor psihologice la locul de muncă în context românesc. Psihologia Resurselor Umane.

Adaptarea în limba româna a Intelligenz-Struktur-Test (IST). Psihologia Resurselor Umane.

Examining the psychometric properties of the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test: Findings from an Eastern European Culture. European Journal of Psychological Assessment.

Tests in Europe: Where We Are and Where We Should Go. International Journal of Testing.

Examining the Criterion-Related Validity of the Employee Screening Questionnaire: A Three-Sample Investigation. International Journal of Selection and Assessment.

Adaptarea Job Stress Survey (JSS) în România: Implicaţii privind manifestări ale stresului ocupaţional în România. Psihologia Resurselor Umane.

Examining the Criterion Related Validity of the General Ability Measure for Adults: A two sample investigation. International Journal of Selection and Assessment.

The Romanian Translation of the Francis Scale of Attitude Toward Christianity: Internal Consistency Reliability, Re-test Reliability and Construct Validity Among Undergraduate Students Within a Greek Orthodox Culture. Pastoral Psychology.

Moral Disengagement and Academic Engagement: The Roles of Educational Anti-Mattering and Psychological Distress. Ethics & Behavior

Antecedents of Child Literacy in Romania. Journal of Research in Reading (online first)

Adopt standards for better social-science study comparisons. Nature

Universal Human Rights, Universal Ethics, and Psychologist Competencies: What Can and Should Psychologists do to Protect Human Rights. Applied Psychology Around the World

Quiet Eye supports Winner Shots in a Simulated Table Tennis Competition. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports (online first).

Exploring organizational citizenship behavior for the environment as pro-environmental behaviors: testing antecedents and a mediator. Psihologia Resurselor Umane

The Link Between Work Engagement and Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Personnel Psychology (advanced online publication).

When More is More: Do Employees’ Non-Restricted Goals Benefit Employers and the Environment Too? The Spanish Journal of Psychology

Quiet Eye Facilitates Processing Complex Information in Elite Table Tennis Players. Visual Cognition

The Dynamics of Quiet Eye under Stress in Elite Table Tennis Performance. . International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (accepted).

Improving emotional intelligence in adolescents: an experiential learning approach. Current Psychology.

Impact factor wars. European Journal of Psychological Assessment (online first).

Depression and Learning Problems in Children: Executive Function Impairments and Inattention as Mediators. Acta Psihologica (accepted).

LMX, Organizational Justice and Performance: Curvilinear Relationships. Journal of Managerial Psychology (accepted).

Research Self-Efficacy: A Meta-Analysis. Educational Psychologist, 56(3), 215-242.

The Path from Leader-Member Exchange to Citizenship: An Empirical Test of Self-Determination as a Linchpin. Psihologia Resurselor Umane, 18 (2020), 93-102.

The influence of religiosity and meaning-making on work outcomes: A path analysis. Current Psychology (online first).

Learning from a Failed Mixed Methods Child Art-Therapy Research Project. International Journal of Qualitative Methods (online first).

Pandemia la români: Comportamente sociale și impact psihologic post-criză [Pandemics with the Romanians: Social behaviors and post-crisis psychological impact]. In O. Toderan, S. Celac, & G. Scutaru (Eds.). Lumea de mâine [The world of tomorrow] (pp. 416-431). Bucharest: New Strategy Center.

Gratitude, Job Resources, and Job Crafting: A Two-Wave Longitudinal Study on a Sample of Romanian Employees. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

The Link Between Burnout and Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis. European Journal for Work and Organizational Psychology (accepted).

Perceived Stress and Wellbeing in Romanian Teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic: The Intervening Effects of Job Crafting and Problem-Focused Coping. Psychology in the Schools Psychology in the Schools

Loneliness at Work and Job Performance: The Role of Burnout and Extraversion. Psihologia Resurselor Umane, 17(1), 7-18.Full Article

The Relationship between General Mental Ability and Workplace Deviance. Psihologia Resurselor Umane

The incremental validity of personality in predicting job performance, voluntary turnover and career success in high-stakes contexts – a longitudinal study. Personality and Individual Differences

Conscientiousness and Cognitive Abilities: A Meta-Analysis. Psihologia Resurselor Umane

The influence of target personality in the development of workplace bullying. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology (accepted).

Workplace Bullying and Turnover Intention. The Role of Protective versus Vulnerable Personality Factors. Psihologia Resurselor Umane, 18 (2020), 123–132.

Effectiveness of Job Crafting Interventions: A Meta-Analysis and Utility Analysis. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology (online first).

Personality and boredom at work: the mediating role of job crafting. Career Development International.

Patterns of Change in Fairness Perceptions During the Hiring Process: A Conceptual Replication in a Controlled Context. International Journal of Selection and Assessment.

Qualitative job insecurity and in-role performance: a bidirectional longitudinal relationship? European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.

When Core Self‑Evaluations Infuence Employees’ Deviant Reactions to Abusive Supervision: The Moderating Role of Cognitive Ability. Journal of Business Ethics (online before print).

Empirical exploration of the circumplex model and subjective well-being on employees. Psihologia Resurselor Umane.

The five-factor traits as moderators between job insecurity and health: A vulnerability-stress perspective. Career Development International.

Grit in the workplace: hype or ripe? Journal of Personality and Individual Differences.

Work-life interaction as a mediator between work factors and outcomes. Psihologia Resurselor Umane.

The emic approach to personality measurement in personnel selection. Personality and Individual Differences.

Qualitative and quantitative job insecurity: relations with nine types of performance. Psihologia Resurselor Umane.

Burnout and job insecurity: the mediating role of job crafting. Psihologia Resurselor Umane.

Work-Life Imbalance as a Moderator in the Relationship Between Resources and Work Engagement. Journal of Personnel Psychology.

Vocational Fit and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: A Self-Regulation Perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology.

The mediating role of psychological needs in the relation between qualitative job insecurity and counterproductive work behaviour. Career Development International.

Perceived employability and performance: Moderation by felt job insecurity. Personnel Review.

Revisiting the relationship between impression management and job performance. Journal of Research in Personality.

The relationship of dangerous driving with traffic offenses: A study on an adapted measure of dangerous driving. Accident Analysis and Prevention.

Emotional Intelligence in Personnel Selection: Applicant Reactions, Criterion and Incremental Validity. International Journal of Selection and Assessment.

The Role of Trait Anger in the Relationship between Stressors and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: Convergent Findings from Multiple Studies and Methodologies. Applied Psychology: An International Review.

The relationship of occupational stress and emotional intelligence. Psihologia Resurselor Umane.

Events-Affect-Personality: A Daily Diary Investigation of the Mediating Effects of Affect on the Events-Personality Relationship. Psychological Reports (accepted).

Secular changes in personality: An age-period-cohort analysis. Journal of Research in Personality (accepted).

Time and Generational Changes in Cognitive Performance in Romania. Intelligence.

Age and gender differences in the variability of vocational interests. Journal of Career Assessment.

Sex differences in intelligence: A multi-measure approach using nationally representative samples from Romania. Intelligence.

Values and Lifestyles of Young People in Romania: Results of Leo Youth Study. Revista Română de Comunicare.

Living fast and driving fast. Life history strategies, personality, and aggressive driving. Personality and Individual Differences

Psychological Tests in Arabic: A Review of Methodological Practices and Recommendations for Future Use. Neuropsychology Review (accepted).

The Measurement Invariance of the Short Dark Triad. Journal of Individual Differences, 41(4), 207-218.

Emic vs etic frame of reference personality assessment in the prediction of work-related outcomes. Career Development International (online first).

A multi-measure, multi-ethnic investigation of anxiety. Current Psychology.

The Increment of Social Axioms over Broad Personality Traits in the Prediction of Dyadic Adjustment: An Investigation Across Four Ethnic Groups. European Journal of Personality.

Measurement Equivalence of Personality Measures in Low-and High-Stake testing contexts. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences.

The well-being of Romanian workers in Spain: antecedents and moderators. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.

A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Personality Structure Through the Lens of the HEXACO Model. Journal of Personality Assessment.

Cum se înţeleg rezultatele unui studiu din domeniul psihologiei interculturale [How to understand the results of a study in cross-cultural psychology]. Revista de Politica Ştiinţei şi Scientometrie.

The national psychological/personality profile of Romanians: An in-depth analysis of the regional national psychological/personality profile of Romanians. Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology.

Cross-National Assessment of Adaptive Behavior in Three Countries. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment.

The Structure of Vocational Interests in Romania. Journal of Counseling Psychology.

Social axioms among Romanians: Structure and demographic differences. Revista de Psihologie Socială.

Temperament styles of Romanian children. Revista de Psihologie Socială.

The Potential of Machine Learning Methods in Psychological Assessment and Test Construction. European Journal of Psychological Assessment (online first).

Machine Learning and Prediction in Psychological Assessment. European Journal of Psychological Assessment

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Other Demons. European Journal of Psychological Assessment

Some Advice for Psychologists Who Want to Work With Computer Scientists on Big Data. Personnel Assessment and Decisions.

The Impact of Technology on Psychological Testing in Practice and Policy: What Will the Future Bring. European Journal of Psychological Assessment.

Designing Assessment Reports: How Proper Score Descriptions Can Improve Selection Decisions. Psihologia Resurselor Umane

Assessing Children in Developmental Research: Challenges in Testing Through Infancy to Adolescence. European Journal of Psychological Assessment

Psychometric Tests for Hepatitis B – A Systematic Review. Evaluation & the Health Professions (online first).

Can Psychological Assessment Contribute to a Better World? European Journal of Psychological Assessment

Some Thoughts and Considerations on Accommodations in Testing. European Journal of Psychological Assessment

Interventions for the prevention of perceived unfairness in assessment contexts. Psihologia Resurselor Umane

Why We Need Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses in the Testing and Assessment Literature (Editorial). European Journal of Psychological Assessment

On Consequential Validity. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 37(3), 163–166.

Academic skills self-efficacy and college-going outcome expectations as predictors of undergraduates’ satisfaction with their chosen area of study and dropout intentions. Journal of Pedagogy, 68(1), 193-202.

Fairness perceptions in educational assessment: The role of positive and negative affect. Educational Studies. (online first).

It works both ways: Enhancing explicit self-esteem using the self-reference task. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

It was unfair! Should I appeal? The moderating role of Agreeableness and Neuroticism between Fairness Perceptions in Assessment and Intention to Appeal. Ethics and Behavior (online first).

The Generalizability of Reactions to Assessment: An Application of the Selection Procedural Justice Scale (SPJS) in Academic Settings. International Journal of Selection and Assessment (online first).

Psychological Assessment Reports in Selection Decisions: The Role of the Spatial Contiguity Principle. Psihologia Resurselor Umane.

Assessment of differential item functioning in personnel selection. Psihologia Resurselor Umane, 15(2), 138-148.Full Article

Testing Practices and Attitudes Toward Tests and Testing: An International Survey. International Journal of Testing.

Testing Practices in the 21st Century: Developments and European Psychologists’ Opinions. European Psychologist.

Fairness reactions to selection methods: A Romanian study. International Journal of Selection and Assessment.