• Welcome to the official AID Lab Homepage!

    The Assessment and Individual Differences Lab (AID-Lab) is an integral part of the Department of Psychology at the University of Bucharest. We study the assessment of various psychological constructs relevant for a range of applied psychology fields, broadly defined.

  • Key Research Areas of the Lab

    Assessment methods, the role of workplace-relevant individual differences, affect and emotions, job attitudes and performance in applied settings, occupational health assessment and interventions

  • Affiliation & Membership

    Undergraduate and graduate students (Master’s and Doctoral Students) can become affiliate members. Researchers in other domains can become affiliated members;. The admission of affiliate members is done by invitation only and involves an interview with three full lab members.

About the Research Group

The Assessment and Individual Differences Lab (AID-Lab) is integral part of the Department of Psychology at the University of Bucharest.

We study the assessment of various psychological constructs relevant for a range of applied psychology fields, broadly defined.

Our primary mission is to generate and apply psychological science to expand our understanding regarding design and application of psychological assessment in studying the functioning of various individual differences.

The lab is managed by the Lab Director and Executive Committee (three elected members) and it includes a team of established and early career researchers (full members) and affiliate members (undergraduate and masteral students).

The AID Lab will focus on:
– collaboration: building research-oriented alliances and partnerships with various national and international labs and organizations;
– funding: attract national and international research funding by assembling competitive of research teams;
– fostering research: supporting the design and dissemination of assessment-oriented empirical and theoretical investigations aimed at expanding the current scientific understanding of cognitive, motivational, affective and behavioral phenomena in the applied settings.

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Some Advice for Psychologists Who Want to Work With Computer Scientists on Big Data.

König, C. J., Demetriou, A. M., Glock, P., Hiemstra, A. M. F., Iliescu, D., Ionescu, C., Langer, Liem, C. S., Linnenbürger, A., Siegel, R., & Vartholomaios, I. (2020).

Loneliness at Work and Job Performance: The Role of Burnout and Extraversion.

Sîrbu, A. A., & Dumbravă, A. C. (2019).

Effectiveness of Job Crafting Interventions: A Meta-Analysis and Utility Analysis.

Oprea, B., Barzin, L., Virga, D., Iliescu, D., & Rusu, A. (2019).

Personality and boredom at work: the mediating role of job crafting.

Oprea, B., Iliescu, D., Burtăverde, V., & Dumitrache, M. (2019).

The Impact of Technology on Psychological Testing in Practice and Policy: What Will the Future Bring.

Iliescu, D., & Greiff, S. (2019).

Dr. Andrei Ion

Associate Professor @ Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest


Andrei Ion coordinated the implementation of various research projects. Andrei’s key research interest resides in investigation the role and importance of individual differences in the workplace. This line of research led to non-trivial contributions to the field of I/O psychology and individual differences. In several investigations, Andrei explored the construct or predictive validity of personality constructs in predicting job-relevant outcomes, such as job performance or organizational citizenship behaviors (e.g. Iliescu, Ilie, Ispas, & Ion, 2012; Ion, Iliescu, Ilie, & Ispas, 2016). First and foremost, these studies led to the conclusion that the current understanding of the personality-job performance relationship is limited. First, this limitation stems from relying exclusively on the five-factor personality traits in explaining job performance. Second, the current understating of the personality job performance relationship is based exclusively on the view that personality dimensions are static in nature.

Prof. Dr. Dragoș Iliescu

Professor, Chair of the Doctoral School in Psychology and Education

Email: dragos.iliescu@fpse.unibuc.ro

Dr. Andreea Butucescu

Assistant Professor & Postdoctoral Researcher

Email: andreea.butucescu@apio.ro

Dr. Andrei Ion

Associate Professor @ Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest

Email: andrei.ion@aid-lab.ro