
The following research projects are in progress


Sergiu Condrea

This stream of research addresses an important practice used in organizations, called feedback. Being grounded in four theoretical models (i.e., Feedback Reaction Model; Similarity-Attraction Theory; Leader-Member Exchange Theory; A Theoretical Model of Power Retention Conditions, Power Retention Mechanisms, and Leadership Outcomes), the general objective of the current research is to shed light on the factors that influence individuals' reactions to feedback, and to see how these reactions may impact other work outcomes.

From a theoretical point of view, the main contribution of this thesis is in the field of between-person differences and perceptions of and reactions to the organizational practice of feedback. From a practical perspective, this research aims to bring valuable information and recommendations to practitioners who are interested in efficiently adapting different systems and feedback processes to their workforce.

Design of Assessment Reports

Roxana Spînu

This research stream addresses the methods of designing an assessment report, based on theories and concepts from cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics.

The general objective of the research is to make the assessment reports more efficient so that the results communicated to the decision-maker to be actionable.

Specifically, we will know if any of the following are efficient: (a) describing the exact score of the candidate, (b) highlighting the important characteristics for the job, (c) presenting the results of several tests in an integrated format, (d) describing scores in behavioural terms, (e) offering a summary, and (f) aggregating the results of several candidates in a single report.

Personality Dynamics in The Workplace

Andrei Georgescu

The aim of this stream of research will be focused on investigating within-person processes in behavior manifestation, with the aim to contribute and provide evidence for more recent theories of personality, such as Whole-Trait Theory and PersDyn, as well as it is intended to have contributions in applied psychology and personnel selection studies, with the development of an instrument that can potentially capture within-person variability at one moment in time.

Context Matters: Personality & Work Outcomes

Raluca Duțu

This stream of research investigates the relationship between personality traits and an extended conceptualization of performance, with a particular emphasis on context and its role.

The current project has two major components. One part investigates boundary conditions of the relationship between personality and work outcomes. The second part offers a distinct perspective: it is a proximal application of this theme in assessment, tackling topics such as contextualization and the frame of reference effect.

Currently, The AID Lab has the following research interests

Individual differences in the workplace:

> New constructs: Emotional Intelligence, Emotion Regulation, Grit, Emic Traits
> Uncovering complex predictor(s) – criteria relationships: Understanding dynamic reciprocal relationships between P-E Fit and workplace-relevant outcomes;
> Test functioning in work-related settings


> Personality strength [ongoing research]
> Intra-individual variability of personality [working paper]
> SJT and personality assessment [ongoing research]
> Individual differences across cultures and sub-groups